Certified Assistant Instructor (Jo Kyo)
E Dan (2nd Level), Dan Bon 51008
Lucas Heinrichs Jo Kyo Nim previously trained in Tang Soo Do, before joining Camas Soo Bahk Do in March 2016. He was awarded Jo Kyo in 2019. He successfully tested for and was promoted to Cho Dan in 2018 and E Dan in 2020.
Heinrichs Jo Kyo Nim is an essential member of the Camas Soo Bahk Do team. He often assists in the Advanced Classes (Red belts and higher) lending his expertise in jump kicks, sweeps, and forms.
Heinrichs Jo Kyo Nim has participated in multiple regional and national Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan competitions:
2020 USA National Virtual Tournament
1st Place Kyok Pa (Board Breaking) Competition
2021 USA National Virtual Tournament
1st Place Kyok Pa Competition
2022 USA National Virtual Tournament
1st Place Hyung E Dan 39 & under Division
3rd Place Kyok Pa Adult Dan Division
2023 Region 10 Championships
3rd Place 18 & Under Dan Hyung
He is currently one of three Region 10 Youth Leaders responsible for mentoring youth members. He also attends the monthly virtual International World Moo Duk Kwan Youth Leader training to improve his knowledge and technical skills.
Heinrichs Jo Kyo Nim is an essential member of Camas Soo Bahk Do. He often assists in the Advanced Classes (Red Belts & Dan members) lending his expertise in jump kicks, sweeps, and forms.