- Date: Saturday, July 20, 2024
- Time: 09:30 A.M.
- Location: see your instructor
A tradition since 1990, started by Robert M. Shipley III, Sa Bom Nim, founder of Camas Soo Bahk Do.
We invite all Soo Bahk Do members and their families to join us at our 33rd annual event of outdoor training, family potluck, and “Beat the Dan Dash” to honor and carry on the history of Camas Soo Bahk Do.
*Pool Training: Unfortunately the Camas Community Pool is permanently closed – so no pool training ? BUT…we will have a few fun activities after lunch!
Our instructors have planned drills to enhance your Soo Bahk Do training. You won’t want to miss it! Rain or shine!
What to Bring?
- Potluck to serve at least 15-20 (see sign-up sheet in the gym)
- Chair or something to sit on
- There are no picnic tables
- A fun attitude
- Open mind, ready to learn
- Uniform
- Filled water bottle (and backup, if needed)
- Sunscreen
- Extra change of clothes & towel (optional, just sayin’)
NOTE: There is a public restroom on-site.
Bring a family potluck
Previous COTG images: